
About Us

Box Office Analysis, by SFHB Analysts, is a financial analysis blog that focuses on the box office performance of movies through data analytics. It analyzes how movie budgets and profits work by analyzing factors and profitability metrics. The numbers for the global film industry is reported in various categories based on genre, release period, movie franchises, studios, actors, and more.

Our Mission

We are going to use a mixed tone of casual blogging and professional analysis through the use of visuals to make sense of the data, make the interpretation as easy as possible to users and help them understand the industry dynamics. Our numerical analysis charts will be our biggest interest points. We would provide a basis for comparison and look at the financial performance of the films from a proper business point of view, and make the analysis fun and interesting for viewers who are not used to the technical terms. We would try to write our posts in a manner that seems in-depth to analyst professionals, but looks simple and inviting to casual readers.

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