
Showing posts from September, 2019

Looking into the Oscar Nominees (Best Picture) of Last 5 Years – Part 1

Looking into the financial performances of popular box-office hit films seems to be a lucrative option these days. There are numerous sites, videos, bloggers, and even vloggers who spend week after week talking about the recent hit films smashing the movie market. Rarely are Oscar nominees talked about unless it’s the 2-3 weeks of Oscar awards season. Even then, the most focus tends to be on the performers or the people behind the scenes. There is also a focus on the critics and reviews, as well as controversies surrounding the movies themselves.  But what about the financial wins of these films? People are so engrossed with the materialistic and visual recognition, that the actual monetary metrics often go unnoticed (barring some exceptions). Today we are going to partially analyze and understand some of the performance measures that are used by industry experts to judge the financial success of films, and apply these onto the Best Picture nominees of 2014-2018. The Fi