Success of Movie Genres based on IMDB Data
Source: Though we usually strive to focus on specific areas or a niche zone for in depth analysis, this time wanted to direct your attention towards a bigger picture. We believe that talking about this particular topic would help you to understand many of our future analysis, and also gives us a way to introduce you to the idea that on-the-surface stats are rarely descriptive enough to understand the situations. Today, we are going to show you a little bit of how movies have been doing over the years since records have been kept, or rather, records that IMDB has. For our analysis, we have used the list of movies in IMDB’s records till the end of 2016. Though the original dataset has 5043 movies, we had to remove duplicate entries, and even remove movies that had insufficient information and would not contribute well to our analysis. Even though there are many different categorizing levels for genres, we decided to use only a handful of primary level g...